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Who we are

Goodwin Hartshorn is a London-based industrial design consultancy. The company was co-founded by Edward Goodwin and Richard Hartshorn in 2002 after studying engineering at Cambridge and Oxford Universities respectively and then industrial design at the Royal College of Art. We specialise in innovative product development across a broad range of fields, as you’ll see in the projects page. Our work includes hi-fi equipment and medical devices, consumer electronics and kitchen utensils, wearable technology and beyond.  

Our small team works together closely in our Greenwich studio. We each bring different insights and expertise to the projects we work on; whether we’re brainstorming, building prototypes and models in our workshop, or exploring forms, materials and trends in our open-plan studio. We develop our ideas through exploration and collaboration. 

In amongst the work, an important part of the day is our shared lunch. For over twenty years, we’ve taken turns to prepare a communal lunch for each other where we can sit down and discuss life beyond the studio. 

Edward Goodwin

Co-founder & Creative Director

Edward is co-founder of Goodwin Hartshorn. He studied engineering at Cambridge University prior to studying industrial design engineering at the RCA. Believing that constraints catalyse creativity, he takes an analytical approach to design and uses a broad range of methods to develop the function and form of a product. Beyond design, Edward always has lots of projects on the go at home, but with a young family, never quite enough time to finish them! 

Edward Goodwin, co-founder of Goodwin Hartshorn, thoughtfully gazing into distance while working  in the London design studio

Richard Hartshorn

Co-founder & Creative Director

Richard is co-founder of Goodwin Hartshorn. He studied engineering science at Oxford University prior to studying industrial design engineering at the RCA. He is passionate about finding elegant solutions to complex problems, exploring broadly and deeply to get to the root of a technical issue. Somewhat dismissive of computers, he’s exceptionally good at cutting out. He has an interest in wine that verges on an obsession (as his wife and children often remind him) but to counter this has taken up long-distance running.

Richard Hartshorn, co-founder of Goodwin Hartshorn, deep in thought with his hand on his chin, in the London design studio.

Paul Harris

Creative Director

Paul gained his BA in industrial design from the University of Canberra before realising that London was a much better bet than all the fresh air and sunshine in his native Australia. Paul is an exceptional designer with his super-power focussed on creating the most sophisticated models in Rhino/Grasshopper. Previously, any spare time was taken up with travel and his love of photography. Now, his two girls have put a stop to all that nonsense and instead he’s embracing the joys of being a dad and grabbing sleep whenever he can! 

Paul Harris, creative director at Goodwin Hartshorn, smiling while designing at his computer in the London office

Renee Verhoeven

Senior Industrial Designer

Renee is originally from the Netherlands, where she gained her degree in product design from ArtEZ before going on to the RCA for her MA in design products. After graduating, Renee worked for the cutting-edge Japanese consultancy – Takram – and went on to head up industrial design for the fintech Revolut. Renee brings a sophisticated, user and trend-focused approach to design. She has also brought Moss the dog! Outside of the studio, Renee is doing up her house, and being Dutch, she always cycles to the studio. 

Renee Verhoeven, a senior industrial designer at Goodwin Hartshorn, reviewing CMF of B&W Px8 headphones in the London studio.

Joe Slatter

Industrial Designer

Joe is the newest member of our team and gained his BA in industrial design from Loughborough University in 2020. Since graduating, he has racked up an impressive range of experience with Whipsaw, Native and PDD Innovation. He joined us in the summer of 2023 and brings his talents to all aspects of projects. Outside of work, Joe runs Design Burger, an international design community that curates and celebrates the best industrial design projects from around the world. It currently has more than 200k followers on Instagram and is still growing. 

Joe Slatter, a designer at Goodwin Hartshorn, sanding a prototype in the workshop, emphasising his hands-on design work.


Working dog

About once a week the team is reinforced by Moss – Renee's dog. She generally takes care of security threats and any crumbs left behind from lunches. She has her cosy position under Renee's desk but is more likely dashing about the studio trying to tame her cuddly toy carrot or her beloved piece of frayed rope... 

Moss, the light brown Lakeland Terrier and studio dog at Goodwin Hartshorn, sitting obediently on the studio floor

All content © Goodwin-Hartshorn 2024 - unless otherwise stated

Goodwin Hartshorn Ltd

Studio C, 6 Little Thames Walk

London SE8 3FB, UK

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